Frequently asked questions.
Who do I contact if I have an issue, a question, a suggestion, or I want to volunteer?
Please contact Suzanne Ashby at Invest West Management at or (360) 567-4342. She will relay any pertinent information to the Mt Vista Board.
We also encourage you to attend our monthly Board meetings at 6:30pm every third Wednesday of each month.
What do I do if I get a first violation letter?
Please contact Suzanne at IWM at as soon as possible if you have any questions about a first violation letter. Most of the time violations are simply solved by communicating with Suzanne and action is taken to rectify the violation. If you are unclear about the violation, please get clarity by contacting the IWM office so violations are not escalated to second letters and possible subsequent fines.
What is the process to discuss or contest a fine?
We hate to see violations escalate into fines, but should this happen, all homeowners are entitled to discuss or contest the fine at a Board hearing. If you would like to request a Board hearing, please contact Suzanne at IWM at
Who is Invest West Management?
Invest West Management is the Mt Vista Homeowners Association’s chosen management company. All homeowners need to create a login on the IWM website at Once on the site, click “Find An Association” in the top navigation menu. Type in “Mount Vista Association” and choose that option. Click “Create Login” and follow the prompts to create an account. Once your account is created, you can pay your annual dues, opt in to email communication, find all needed forms and downloads, and other actions. All homeowners should spend a few minutes familiarizing yourselves with the site. Select forms and downloads can also be found here on this site.
What if I am not getting email communications?
Make sure you have created a login on the Invest West Management website at Once you have created a login, click on “Profile”. Make sure all your information is correct for each item in the left hand navigation. You can opt in to receive email, mail, or both types of communication. We highly recommend all homeowners opt into both email and mail communications so no important information is missed. All homeowners are responsible for ensuring all mailing information is correct and up to date.
Who do I contact if I am interested in running for the HOA Board?
If you are interested in running for the HOA Board in our 2023 election, please contact Suzanne at IWM at and she will relay your interest to the Board Nominations Committee Chair who will contact you.
What are the roles and responsibilities of the HOA Board?
The Mt Vista HOA Board acts as an elected representation of the 432 homes in the Mt Vista neighborhood. The Board’s primary role is to uphold the HOA’s binding Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). They attend monthly Board meetings, chair various committees designed to facilitate adherence to the CC&Rs, manage communication to homeowners, lead volunteer groups for various activities, attend Board hearings if needed, among various other needed tasks.